Thursday, 8 May 2014

“Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don't be sorry.” (Jack Kerouac)

Yes, it seems to be a long time since I wrote the first post, but it has been a little bit more than a year since then. And as I promise you I am updating the blog with some new stories from then. What a good time to remember New Zealand, just a few days before I depart to Oceania again. This time to finish the big “coutrinent” (country sized continent) of Australia where I want to explore all the places that I could not visit the last time due to the job I had and the studies that I had to do to keep my visa status.
So been a good time to remember, I edited the video called Project NZ that you can see in this post, as an anniversary present, as always a little bit late.

So my phase in France finished satisfactorily as I got two jobs at the end, one in an Irish pub where I really had a good time and learned a lot and of course very nice co-workers and the other one in a supermarket, which was much more serious and mechanically but also rounded by very nice people. Waking up at 5 a.m. to download the trucks coming with the products and renew the stock was a hard job forehand but I got to get used to it quite fast.
Those two jobs and the cheap accommodation I got at my girlfriend’s place gave me some savings to be a little bit more relaxed in Australia although my plan is to busk to move around and hopefully to come back with some pocket money to start up.

I have to say that Bayonne was an impressive little town that astonished me. I could not expect such a combination of nature sports (surf, biking, trekking, climbing...), Landscape (beaches, rivers, mountains, forest...) and culture. Specially this last one, I could not image such a divers and interesting culture that is the Basque culture, and the amount of foreign people that live and enjoy it. And for sure, I had to say that I am so happy to have known all the musicians I have met at Bayonne. That was definitely the key of these two months there that seemed only a few days and make me want to go back there at some point of my life to enjoy it again.

I have to say that the weather was not the best, but apparently summer, it is the season to be especially just before or after. So if you have the chance you should visit it!

Coming back to the anniversary topic, thank all of you which read and watch my videos because that really gives me strength to continue posting. At today’s date there is 3815, almost 4000 visit in a little bit more than a year from 44 different countries.
I hope you are enjoying the stories and the advices I give you as much as I enjoy it when I tell you all that stuff. And feel free to comment and give some feedback if you find it necessary, will be very nice.

So I also take this chance to encourage you all to travel to discover your limits and engage with new cultures, new languages and new people, brake your barriers that hold you to that place and explore the world before it is too late, and I do not mean your age, have some good stories to tell to your kids or friends and grow as a person opening your mind with an intercultural point of view, that I am pretty sure that will be helpful in your lives somehow. Even the bad experiences are experiences. 

So in words of Kerouac: “Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don't be sorry.” 

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